Relocation preparations continuing...
Two posts in one day - you can tell I've a bit of free time now that those online tests are over, eh. Anyway, I thought I'd provide an update on where I'm up to in terms of my relocation to Boston. Here's all the stuff that I have to do/have done so far:
- Find housing in Boston. Well, I've started - sort of. I've been checking out rental properties online, but it's really hard to do it from so far away. All I know is that I'm thinking of finding something in either Brighton, Allston, Wellesley, Newton or Waltham, but that's about it. I think I should be able to sort it out when I get there. My budget is between $US1000 - $1500 which I think should be flexible enough to cover what I need - a 1BR place with high-speed internet and enough space to put a good sized desk. Status: Not completed.
- Pack personal effects for shipment to Boston. Started, but not yet finished. Basically I have two destinations for my boxes: 1) Manila (for stuff I won't be using) and 2) Boston (for stuff that I'll be using). So far I've packed four boxes - three filled with books to Manila, and one with winter clothes to go to Boston. I reckon I'll go past 10 boxes by the time I'm finished. The boxes are all 45cm x 40cm x 35cm and weigh from 10kg (clothes) to 20kg (books). Status: Not completed.
- Choose a freight forwarder. I think I'll be using EzySend for my freight forwarder to the US, they do air shipments door to door and the shipments take about 4 days or so. Cost estimate for 10 boxes of the above size @ 20kg each was approx. $A1700. Not cheap, but a hell of a lot cheaper than Grace Removals was charging me ($4000 or something). For the Manila shipment I'll be using the Manila door to door people we've been using, they're mega-cheap. Status: Basically decided.
- Buy a laptop. I'm on the verge of getting one - it's come down to a choice between an IBM T43 or a Sony VAIO VGN-S48GP. I reckon I'd be happy with both of them, and am leaning towards the Sony because Maryrose has a Sony VAIO that she's happy with, but as it typical with me (being a perfectionist) I need to make sure my decision is the right one. As Maryrose can package it here the price really drops to the point where it's cheaper than the US ones. Here's the spreadsheet I used to do my analysis.
I want to go to somewhere where I can check out the IBM (I've seen the Sony and it looks good). I hope to decide by tomorrow or Thursday.
- Close up ANZ bank account (and other accounts). OK, haven't really started doing this, but it shouldn't take too long. How hard can it be? Status: Not started.
- Advertise my bed and other furniture for sale. Haven't started yet, but that's because I'm not sure if Maryrose will be renting out our apartment as a furnished place. Status: Not started.
- Sell my car. This is one I'm a bit concerned about. I advertised this three weeks ago but still haven't heard anything from anyone. I reckon my price is too high and so have dropped it from $45000 to $34,950. It kills me as we paid $38000 to buy out the bloody lease and an additional $11000 to sort out the legal dispute with Alfa over the bloody engine and it looks like I'll be bloody losing major $$$ on it when I sell it. That's not to mention the fact that buying it out halfway through the lease meant that I effectively rented it for $2000 a month, or $500 a week. Or $70 a day. It's nuts, eh. Don't ever get into a novated lease, ever. It's just not worth it if things go wrong (i.e. you quit your job or your manufacturer refuses to honour the warranty on your vehicle). It's a prestige car and so is relatively price inelastic, but I'd really like to sell it before I go so to make it easier for Maryrose. Status: waiting.