A blog of my MBA journey, and of my life in general

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Well, I'm enrolled (sort of)

I tried enrolling online with Babson last night. So I logged into my My Babson account, went through the links indicating acceptance and then moved on to the bit where you put your deposit down, only to find that I didn't have the US banking details I needed close to hand. So I closed the window, intending to start the process all over again. When I tried to log on again though it (the Babson system) seemed to think that my previous efforts were successful and that I'd already paid (hmm). So now I've got an email address (though it doesn't seem to work), I've got access to course listing and all sorts of things.

I think I'll need to call them tonight and sort it all out. Wouldn't do to bilk them of deposit money or anything, somehow I don't think that would go down too well.


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